Information Sharing Turns 20: Learn more at Borderless Cyber USA


ISAC Scorecard: Leaders rate the state of information sharing.

Representatives from Communications ISAC, Information Technology ISAC, Automotive ISAC, National Health ISAC and Real Estate ISAC will come together at Borderless Cyber to examine the successes and shortcomings of their information sharing practices.

We hope you'll join us on 4 October to take advantage of this unique open dialogue as these leaders discuss:
  • How they manage enterprise risk through building alliances & collaborative forums;
  • Their views on how information sharing has evolved since the formation of their ISAC community;
  • What the evolving threat means for the future information sharing environment;
  • And more.

Organized specifically for our attendees by the National Council of ISACs, this open dialogue will further maximize the information flow across the private sector and with the government.
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Formed in 2003, the NCI today comprises 24 organizations. Information
Sharing and Analysis Centers help critical infrastructure owners and operators
protect their facilities, personnel and customers from cyber and physical security
threats and other hazards

As a trusted cybersecurity professional, you've been pre-qualified to attend the Borderless Cyber conference program at no charge.

Register now using the code OASIS-VIP to confirm your reserved seat. Registrations received after 30 July may be subject to a wait list.

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:nh isac

Josh Singletary
National Health ISAC

auto isac

Josh Poster
Program Operations Manager
Automotive ISAC

it isac

Scott Algeier
Executive Director
Information Technology ISAC


Andy Jabbour
Managing Director
Real Estate ISAC

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Joe Viens

Senior Director
Communications ISAC


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